
Ogrando has the power to make your logistics and supply chain easy.

  • Ogrando is always your fulfillment partner and enables you to fulfill your inventory anywhere, anyhow, to anybody, with one unit, one case or one pallet. Ogrando has the power to make your logistics and supply chain easy.
  • OGRANDO has warehouses all over the country over 500K sqf to help you process Amazon FBA products turnaround within 2 days after we received. Plus OGRANDO do not charge any membership or signup fees and NO contract needed.
  • Depending on the type of product that is being imported and what country it is being imported from, the duty rate the business must pay can vary greatly.These duty costs drastically increase the product costs for businesses therein hurting their profitability and ability to compete. The current trade wars with China and the corresponding spike in duty rates have only exasperated the problem.
  • Whether you already have your own truck or plan to lease to purchase a truck by yourself, OGRANDO could offer extra jobs to independent contractors to help your value your trucks and get extra paid.
  • If you have available spaces or fulfillment capacity in your warehouse, OGRANDO is interested in working with you. We offer warehouses with excess space a way to generate revenue from their dead space, producing hundreds of thousands of dollars per month for partners on our network.
Our Services

Ogrando is always your fulfillment partner and enables you to fulfill your inventory anywhere, anyhow, to anybody, with one unit, one case or one pallet. Ogrando has the power to make your logistics and supply chain easy.

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